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Our Mission

To educate students and the public on the importance of biodiversity, to promote sustainability, and to encourage conservation, preservation, and restoration of our ecosystems.

The E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center offers environmental education for 4th and 7th grade students as well as high school students in Walton County and the surrounding counties.  We educate over 6,000 students each year FREE of charge. Our facility is considered to be an extension of the public school system's classroom, as we are their science education project-based learning facility, the place where schooling becomes applicable. Combining all student activities, member events, and public programs, the Biophilia Center's community outreach serves tens of thousands each year.

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Your tax-deductible donation will help to provide nourishing food and care for our Animal Ambassadors.

We promote conservation through educational hands-on experiences with nature. We feed, house, and care for over 50 educational wildlife ambassadors. Please consider adopting an animal today!


Become a part of the Biophilia Center's Newest Adventure - CAMP!

Create a Legacy and become a Camp Longleaf sponsor today.  Learn more about sponsorship opportunities by clicking below.


Your donation makes a difference.

The E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center is recognized as a 501(c)3 nonprofit school and relies on donations, program support, fundraisers, public festivities, and community involvement for financial operational success.

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Choose Nokuse Education as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile.

Shop our wish list or make your usual purchases and support the Biophilia Center.  Make Pine Tree Paul Smile by supporting Nokuse Education through Amazon Smile!


Your gift does more than just "keep the lights on."

Your membership will help us educate students, train teachers, and feed and provide medical care for our animal ambassadors.  PLUS members receive special perks here at the Biophilia Center.

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Join us in the forest!

The Biophilia Center is located on Nokuse Plantation, a restored longleaf pine forest.  The longleaf pine ecosystem has one of the highest levels of biodiversity of all ecosystems and is home to many threatened and endangered species.  Learn more about who we are and what we do by clicking below.

"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."


                                                                               Franklin Delano Roosevelt
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